Chapter Profile

Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc.
Pi Zeta Omega Chapter

Post Office Box 2761  | Greenville, SC  29602

 Chapter History

In the mid-1980s, an idea was conceived and promoted that a second Alpha Kappa Alpha Chapter could grow, flourish and be productive in the Greater Greenville area.  The idea encompassed the realization that this newly organized chapter, functioning as a side-by-side force could strengthen the beaming light of an enriched and community-purposed Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority in the upstate region of South Carolina.

Following the documented determination and intuitiveness of AKA founder, Ethel Hedgemen in 1908, a  group of 17 women was officially organized as the Sparkling Pearls Interest Group. Following and executing the required set-up guidelines necessitated intricate and time-consuming steps and hurdles.  Consequently, on May 24, 1986,  at Riverside High School in Greer, SC, with the then South Atlantic Regional Director, Mary Shy Scott presiding, the chartering ceremony of the Pi Zeta Omega Chapter of the Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority took its significant and meaningful place in the channels of history.

 Key Contacts

Sharolyn N. Simmons


Stacie Kagler

Officer Representative: Treasurer 

Kandace Cornelius
Council Representative

Anastasia Cornish
Council Representative

 Organization Facts  & Important Links

 Alpha Kappa Alpha  Sorority, Inc.

Founded:   January 15,  1908

at Howard University

National website

Charter Members

The Chartering Sorors of the Pi Zeta Omega Chapter of the Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority are:

Ethel Bennett

Catherine A. Greer

Beverly Bruster

Karen Jackson-Phoenix

Maxine Moragne

Elizabeth Scipio

Doris Byrd

Mimi Jefferson

Gloria Byrd-Perrin

Ruth Lyles-Bailey

Teresa Moss

Francenia Williams

Darlene Clinkscales

Doris Mitchell

Earnestine Gray-Hunter

Kathleen Pressley

Donna Robinson

Signature Events

Established and ongoing sorority-sponsored projects are the Needmore Center Senior Birthday monthly celebrations and the presentation of a series of four (4) $1,000 annual scholarships that follow a student throughout his or her collegiate studies program. We financially support the Phillis Wheatley Association, the United Negro College Fund, the American Cancer Society, and A Child's Haven--naming only a portion of the list of agencies.

Pi Zeta Omega Chapter also conducts the following events on alternating years in May. Fashionetta (in odd years) and the Pink Ice Ball (in even years).